9: Foundation of God’s Government-Sabbath School Lesson Teaching Plan

Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com

Prepared by William Earnhardt, for Sabbath School class, June 1, 2024.

Main Theme: The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the coming crisis over the mark of the beast. We also will explore the relevance of the Sabbath to an end-time generation.

Read in Class: Revelation 11:19 and Revelation 12:17. Summarize these passages.

Study: What was in the ark of the covenant in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary? Who does the dragon make war with and why?

Apply: When you became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, did you experience any opposition from family or friends? If so, why did they oppose you becoming a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?

Share: Your friend asks you exactly what is the testimony of Jesus? What do you tell your friend? See Revelation 19:10.

Read in Class: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11 and Matthew 5:17-19. Summarize these passages.

Study: What is the relationship between Creation, the Sabbath, and the law of God?

Apply: Most Seventh-day Adventists have faced the charge of being legalistic, and that charge is usually connected with our keeping the Sabbath. Discuss the Sabbath as a symbol of Redemption and righteousness by faith. Why would obeying God’s command to rest lead people to think we are trying to work our way to heaven?

Share: Your friend asks, doesn’t Colossians 2:14-17 tell us the law and Sabbath were done away with? What do you tell your friend? See Which Laws Were Abolished at the Cross.

Read in Class: Revelation 14:6-8. Define the main idea of these passages.

Study: What events do the first and second angels tell us about? Why are they so important to God’s people in the last days?

Apply: The world is changing so quickly, so dramatically. Why must we always be vigilant so that last-day events don’t catch us unprepared?

Share: Your friend asks, “How does an understanding of the judgment and the law of God harmonize with the fact that we are saved by grace alone?” What do you tell your friend?

Read in Class: Revelation 13:16-17 and Revelation 14:9-12. What is the common thread of these passages?

Study: How are those who take the mark of the beast trying to be saved by thier works? How are those who keep the commandments showing their faith in Jesus.

Apply: When you rest on the Sabbath how are you demonstrating grace? How would working on the Sabbath demonstrate legalism?

Share: How can you share the three angel’s message with your friends this week?

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