4: Standing for the Truth-Sabbath School Lesson Teaching Plan

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com

Prepared by William Earnhardt for Sabbath School Class, April 27, 2024.

Main Theme: By choosing to suffer or die for their faith many have won souls to Christ.

Read in Class: Jude 1:3-4 and Revelation 2:10. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: What’s the warning here and how did it apply to the later Christian church? What promise does God give those who are faithful to Him in the face of death itself?

Apply: What encourages you in challenging times? What frightens you? What promises can you claim for those times?

Share: Your friend says, I thought the whole reason for serving Jesus is so that I am always protected and have everlasting life? So how is Jesus protecting me if He lets me die because I serve Him? What do you tell your friend?

Read in Class: Acts 5:28-32, Ephesians 6:10-12, and Revelation 3:11.Point out the common thread here.

Study: What basic principle is found in these texts?

Apply: How can we, reflecting the light of Christ, shine in our own community? Do we?

Share: Your friend is a public school teacher. She says she wants to share Jesus with her students but it is against the law. She asks you if she should go ahead and share Jesus even though its against the law and she may lose her job? What do you tell your friend?

Read in Class: Psalm 19:7-11 and Jeremiah 15:16. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: What similar attitudes did David and Jeremiah have toward the Word of God that were, really, the cornerstone of the Reformation?

Apply: What advice did Paul give Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-3 and how should we apply that advice to our own situations?

Share: Your friend says he is not one for preaching and teaching like Paul and Timothy. He would rather not have to talk about the Bible. What do you tell your friend?

Read in Class: Hebrews 2:14-15, John 5:24, John 11:25-26, and 1 John 5:11-13. Define the common threads of these passages.

Study: How did believers in the Middle Ages experience the reality of the great controversy? What assurances do these promises give you personally? How do they help us in the trials of life?

Apply: What might it mean to lose everything for Christ? What, in the end, do you really lose? (See Mark 8:36 .) What lessons can we learn from the Waldenses and the Reformers that can sustain us in earth’s final conflict?

Share: A friend asks if your suffering for the Gospel has ever led someone to accept Jesus as their Savior? What do you tell your friend? See Winning Souls While Suffering.

3: Light in the Darkness-Sabbath School Lesson Teaching Plan

Prepared by William Earnhardt for Sabbath School class, April 20, 2024.

Main Theme: God’s grace and the Holy Spirit empower us to stay faithful amidst the most difficult situations. 

Read in Class: John 8:44 and John 17:17. Define what these passages are contrasting.

Study: Where do we find truth? Where do lies come from? 

Apply: In what ways has Satan tried to make you doubt God’s Word? How did you overcome these illusions and temptations to doubt God’s Word?

Share: Your friend says her dead husband visited her last night and talked about things only the two of them knew about. She was able to hug and hold him, so she knew it was really him because she both saw him and felt him. What do you tell your friend? See Every Word of God Proves True

Read in Class: Acts 20:27-32. Define the main idea of this passage. 

Study: What specific warnings did the apostle Paul give to the church leaders from Ephesus regarding the coming apostasy?

Apply: Read 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12. How does the apostle Paul describe the coming apostasy? What characteristics should believers look for? See also Pray to Have a Love for the Truth. 

Share: Your friend asks, “What kind of compromises do we see entering the church today? More importantly, what compromises might you be making? Is it sometimes by blending truth and error?” What do you tell your friend?  

Read in Class: John 17:15-17 and Acts 20:32. Define the common thread in these passages. 

Study: What insights do Jesus and the apostle Paul give us regarding protection from the deceptions of Satan?

Apply: Read Psalms 119:105Psalms 119:116Psalms 119:130Psalms 119:133, and Psalms 119:160. What insights does the psalmist give us regarding the significance of God’s Word in the plan of salvation?

Share:  Your friend argues that” the Bible is just the writings of kings, shepherds, fishermen, priests, poets, and others who shared their understandings and conceptions of God, of nature, and of reality the best that they, in their time and place, understood them. So why should we, living today in the twenty-first century, really care about what these people thought, much less make what they thought the foundation for our hope of eternity?” What do you tell your friend? 

Read in Class: Proverbs 3:5-6Proverbs 16:25, and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: How do these passages warn us against Satan’s schemes and our own human reasoning? 

Apply: Why is the human mind without the aid of the Holy Spirit incapable of discovering divine truth? Discuss the relationship between human reason and divine revelation. How does reason actually help us understand divine revelation? For example, look at Daniel 2:1-49, a prophecy that covers world history from the time of Babylon to the Second Coming. How does a prophecy like this powerfully appeal to human reason?

Share: Do you know someone who has questions about the authenticity of the Bible? Can you give them a Bible study on how to know if God’s Word is true or not? See The Scriptures in Light of the Cross

2: The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?-Sabbath School Lesson Teaching Plan

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Prepared by William Earnhardt, for Sabbath School class, April 13, 2024

Main Theme: By patiently sharing the love of Christ even amidst persecution, we help God win the great controversy between good and evil. 

Read in ClassLuke 19:41-44Matthew 23:37-38John 5:40. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: What do these verses tell you about Jesus’ attitude toward His people and their response to His loving invitation of grace and mercy? What revelation of God’s character do you see?

Apply:Read Matthew 24:15-20. What instruction did Jesus give to His people to save them from the coming destruction of Jerusalem? 

Share: Your friend says, “There is so much persecution of Christians in the early church, and today there is so much persecution, needless bloodshed, heartache, and sorrow. How can you possibly see God’s love in all this pain and suffering?” What do you tell your friend? 

Read in Class: Hebrews 11:35-38Revelation 2:10 and Acts 2:41, and Acts 5:42. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: What do these passages tell us about the reality of the challenges facing the early church, and how it continued to grow despite those challenges? 

Apply: What can we learn from the early church that could help us, the end-time church?

Share: Your friend asks why God allows the church to be persecuted? What value does it serve? What does it accomplish? What do you tell your friend? 

Read in Class: Read Acts 2:44-47Acts 3:6-9Acts 6:1-7. Define the common thread of these passages.

Study: Although circumstances vary, what principles can we learn from these passages about authentic Christianity?

Apply: How do the ways your church serves the community help prove that Satan’s accusations about God and His church are wrong? In other words, how does your church let the community see the love of God in practical day to day living? 

Share: Your friend says that the pathfinders in her church are helping to care for the lawns of widows in the neighborhood, and that some of the deacons helped a farmer build a new barn after his old one burned down. However your friend thinks in these times of earth’s history we should just be spending our time warning people about the mark of the beast instead of just helping people with their daily living.  What do you tell your friend? In what ways might the pathfinders and deacons be preparing the community for the mark of the beast or the seal of God? See Winning the Great Controversy in Every-day Life.

Read in Class: John 13:35 and 1 John 4:21. Define the common thread of these passages. 

Study:  What do these passages reveal about Satan’s challenge against the government of God in the great controversy? What do they tell us about the essence of genuine Christianity?

Apply: What is the obvious message for us here? How do we learn to die to self so that we, too, can manifest this same selfless spirit? It’s not easy, is it? 

Share: What are some practical ways your Sabbath School class and/or family can reach out to your community this week to let them know God is love?